What We Do
Multi-track recording and Mixing
Remote Location Recording
Voice-Over and Commercial Production
Audio Restoration and Noise Reduction
Audio for Video
The Zephyr Room features
- SAWStudio multi-track software
- SAC Virtual Console
- Reaper
- Pro Tools 9
- RME and MOTU Audio Interfaces
- Recording up to 96K using Tascam and MOTU A/D/A
- John Hardy M-1 mic pres
- Custom 8ch. mic pre
- designed by Jeff Rowland of Jeff Rowland Design Group
- Symentix mic pres
- Vintage Altec tube and solid state Pres
- Hamptone HVTP2 pres
- Continually growing list of microphones and equipment from
AKG, ART, Beyer, Lexicon, Mackie, MOTU, Neumann, Oktava,
Rane, RCA, Schoeps, Sennheiser, Shure, Tannoy, Tascam...
Give us a call to request a complete equipment list.
Instruments and Amps
Fender Rhodes 73
M400 Mellotron
1969 Magnus Chord Organ
Vintage Fender Super
Vintage Fender Champ
Vintage Fender Strat
Peavey Bass
Big Briar Etherwave Theremin
5-pc Drum kit
Native American Flute - key of A
Variety of Vintage Guitar Pedals
Variety of hand percussion
incl. Wood Castanets, 5" Spring Drum, Tongue Drum, 3'Rain Stick, Gourds, Hand drum...
Our studio construction pages are available if you'd like to see what went into its construction.
Or call 303-719-1707